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We Have a New Website Image

We Have a New Website


As you may have noticed, things have changed at consumerdirectAK.com. Our new site is designed for you to easily navigate to the product or service that best meets your needs. Enjoy your time looking around, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate contact at any time 1-888-966-8777.

2014 W-2 Information Image

2014 W-2 Information


For 2014 W-2s, the IRS requires that all W-2s be mailed to employees no later than 2/2/2015. In years past the date has been January 31st, but that date is a weekend so the deadline moves to the next business day. Additionally, The IRS has announced that they will...

IMPORTANT Payroll Tax Information Image

IMPORTANT Payroll Tax Information


The new year brings a change in the take home pay of everyone receiving a paycheck. Effective 1/1/2013, the payroll tax holiday for Social Security tax has expired, meaning the Social Security tax reverts back to the pre-2011 rate of 6.2%-up from 4.2%. Another component of the tax bill maintains...
