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Stack of W-2s

Go Paperless for W-2s!


It is easy to get your W-2 digitally. Go paperless for this document. If you would like to go paperless, we encourage you to make your choice in ADP early. The deadline to go paperless is December 31, 2021. How to go Paperless Step 1: Visit myADP.com and log...

Person typing on a laptop keyboard.

Cyberattack on DHSS Website


The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) recently notified the public of a security breach of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Alaska Personal Information Protection Act (APIPA). DHSS urges all Alaskans who have provided data to DHSS, or who may have data...

Woman wearing glasses and a polka dot shirt working on her computer.

Online Pay Stub Access


Effective today, you have an additional way to access your pay stubs. Similar to your W-2, pay stubs are available at myADP.com. With this new feature, you can view your pay stubs online using a computer or mobile device. Pay stubs will still be mailed to you. HOW TO...

Important 2020 W-2 Information Image

Important 2020 W-2 Information


W-2s will be mailed on or before February 1, 2021 to the address that was on file with CDCN on December 15, 2020. In addition to receiving a paper copy of your W-2, caregivers can access their W-2 by signing up on the ADP website or downloading the ADP...


Changes to Timesheets and Documentation Deadlines


Dear Valued Clients and Caregivers, The spread of COVID-19 is a significant concern that has impacted all of our daily lives and changed how we go about our work. With many Consumer Direct Care Network (CDCN) staff working from home, some of our longer-term projects have been delayed or...
